Arla will be asked to move the giant cheese at Boxholm
Since 1995 a giant Cheese, placed at the driveway to Boxholm, has been the landmark for the town. Now the municipal board demands that Arla remove it The municipal board … Läs mer
Mer än bara mjölk!
Since 1995 a giant Cheese, placed at the driveway to Boxholm, has been the landmark for the town. Now the municipal board demands that Arla remove it The municipal board … Läs mer
71 percent of the Scanians find it important to choose locally produced food. Shorter transports, the desire to benefit one’s region and good animal welfare are the main reasons. A … Läs mer
There was Swedish victory in one of the three prize winning categories at the International Dairy Contest in Herning, Denmark. In the butter-category ‘Bregott Sea Salt’ from Arla Foods Götene … Läs mer
The Arla Unika brand is launching yet another gourmet cheese. The name is ‘Guldklimp’ (Nugget of Gold) and it is made at the dairy in Östersund. ‘Guldklimp’ is Arla Unika’s … Läs mer
The most important thing for the future of milk is to encourage the young generation to invest in farming. That was one of the conclusions from SLU’s Milk Week 17–21 … Läs mer
Reducing food waste and discounted dairy products for people on low incomes. That is the basic idea behind the new collaboration between Arla and Matmissionen (The Food Mission). About a … Läs mer
At the last meeting in the FACE-network at the beginning of October, Swedish Kerstin Jürss was elected new chairperson of the European network for farm and artisan cheeses and dairy … Läs mer
Petra Kangas, who is currently communications and sales manager at Norrlandsoperan, will be new communications manager at Norrmejerier in spring 2023. – The climate threat and the troubled world situation have … Läs mer
Arla Foods Sweden must pay SEK 1,130,000 in competition damages for being guilty of an unauthorized collaboration in connection with a procurement. Arla has earlier admitted that the company was … Läs mer
The district court in Vänersborg has granted another three months’ time for Dalsspira Dairy to undergo the restructuring procedure. During the restructuring period – since mid-June – the board has … Läs mer