After climate calculations on 299 dairy farms, Skånemejerier state that the climate footprint on the farms has decreased somewhat from 2020 to 2021. The average climate footprint is also below the average in Sweden.
– Our milk suppliers are used to working with continuous improvements on their farms, which also results in the reduced climate footprint, Anna Ekman-Nilsson, sustainability expert at Skånemejerier, says.
Almost all, 99 percent, of Skånemejerier’s milk suppliers have carried out calculations in ‘The climate control’ in 2022. The average climate footprint per liter of milk delivered to Skånemejerier landed at 0.96 kilo CO2 equivalents in 2021, compared to 1.00 kilo CO2 equivalents the year before. This is somewhat lower than the average in Sweden.
Anna Ekman-Nilsson, sustainability expert at Skånemejerier, emphasizes that Swedish milk stands up well from a climate point of view in an international perspective. Swedish milk has a 60 percent lower climate footprint than the world average and almost 27 percent lower than the European average.
– Milk is often discussed from a climate perspective, and there are many parameters that must be considered to give milk a fair judgment. Milk certainly has a higher climate impact than, for example, water, but then you must bear in mind that water contains no nutrition, while milk, on the contrary, is very nutritious and important for public health, she says.
Read the full press release HERE