Another chapter in the Boxholm case is closed

The Court of Appeal has come to the verdict, that the Dairy company ‘Glada Bonden’ has the right to the inventory in the dairy in Boxholm.

Previously the district court agreed that Arla, the former owner of the dairy in Boxholm, had the right to the inventory in the dairy.

Now the Court of Appeal has decided in favour of the present owner, the company Glada Bonden, has the right to the inventory instead.

The Court of Appeal states that cisterns, tanks, and other machinery in the dairy are counted as ”property accessories” and are therefore included in the purchase.

– If the Court of Appeal had followed the district court’s line, Glada Bonden would have had to replace the It would have been costly for a smaller company, Anders Birgersson, CEO of Glada Bonden, says to ATL.

Max Wallenberg, press manager at Arla, says to ATL that, it has not decided whether to appeal or not.

– I have spoken to our chief legal officer several times during the day. We do not share the Court of Appeal’s assessment, and will discuss how to proceed, he says.

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