Skånemejerier ask suppliers to slow down delivery

Wednesday, Skånemejerier sent a letter to its suppliers of conventional milk asking for help in reducing the dairy’s large milk surplus.

The agricultural news media Jordbrukaktuellt refers to a mail they have received from Skånemejerier about the dairy’s message to its suppliers.

– We have asked the suppliers who are planning to reduce or even stop production, if it is possible to advance their action. And those who are possibly planning an increase, to please postpone. We also can see that the price is going down right now, Skånemejerier writes.

The mail from Skånemejerier’s press manager Anette Gregow continues:

– Milk and dairy consumption are decreasing at the same time that we observe an increase in milk delivery to the dairy. Milk and dairy consumption have decreased by 8 percent according to Nielsen data and our milk deliveries is estimated to increase by 7 percent in 2023 compared to the previous year.

According to the press manager, the request to hold back milk delivery only concerns the suppliers of conventional milk, as there is currently balance in delivery and distribution of ecological milk.

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