‘Störstmjölken’ is the Swedish name for the new bigger milk packaging, that replaces the traditional 1 litre cartons.
During the autumn, Norrmejerier will introduce a series of new products– all in larger packaging, than usual.
– We see a clear shift and a growing transition to larger packaging, and therefore it feels good to be able to offer the Norrland consumers Störstmjölken. Both the ‘mellanmjölk’ (containing 1,5 % fat) and the standard milk, (containing 3 % fat) will be changed to 1.75 litre packages, a size that will be unique on the market, Johannes Eriksson, Innovation Manager at Norrmejerier, says in a press release.
– The larger packaging also means a smaller climate footprint as less packaging material is required. At the same time, we can transport more milk in each truck and reduce the climate impact of transportation. In other words, ‘Störstmjölken’ provides double climate benefits, Johannes Eriksson says.
Also, a larger package with Lactose-free Crème Fraiche 500 g will be launches as well as Vanilla yogurt and Mild Natural yogurt in a family format of 1500 g. At the same time, the entire yogurt range changes to a more sustainable package made of completely renewable material, compared to the previous package that had 76% renewable material.
Read the full press release HERE