The dairy at Billinge Farm is put on hold

One of Sweden’s many small farmhouse dairies is being put on pause. The reason is poorer sales and lack of time, says one of the owners in an interview with Norrtelje Tidning.

For seven years, Anette Gustawson (photo) has poured her heart into the dairy at Billinge Farm. But the dairy is now being put on hold. She and her husband Jacob are instead focusing on the cows and grazing animals.

– No one would even need to ask why I choose to pause if they had been with me for a week here. I have run my course. Like Forrest Gump, Anette says to Norrtelje Tidning.

Billinge Farm is located north of Norrtälje in Roslagen. The farm has about 130 dairy cows and 60 calves. For seven years, the farm dairy has produced yogurt, sour milk, and milk, which were sold via a vending machine in their farm shop as well as in local stores. In the future, the milk will be delivered to Arla.

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