Goodbye to the round Boxholm cheese from Arla

The production of the round cheeses Jämtland household cheese, Boxholm cream cheese, and Boxholm aged cheese will cease at the end of January 2024. Future focus at Arla’s dairy in Östersund will be on the square family favourites.

The sales of Jämtland household cheese and Boxholm cream cheese have declined for several years. This trend has been exacerbated by the tough economic situation. Additionally, the production process for the round cheeses involves a lot of manual labour and is therefore costly.

– We have reached a point where it is no longer economically viable to continue production. As a farmer-owned dairy cooperative, we continuously review costs and efficiency to remain competitive. This is how we ensure that Arla’s farmers get a fair price for their milk, and we can offer affordable Swedish dairy products,” said dairy manager ¨Kenneth Severin in a press release.

The economic situation has led to increased demand for square cheeses in a lower price range. They are also easier to store, produce, and transport. Most of the cheese production in Östersund already consists of Arla Family Favourites, which include mild cheeses like Jämtgård, Storsjö, Gouda, and Edam.

According to Arla, the farewell to Boxholm cheese has nothing to do with the long-standing dispute between Arla and the dairy company Glada Bonden concerning the Boxholm name.

Read more about the Östersund Dairy HERE