Sweden’s self-sufficiency: Ups and Downs

The Swedish market share varies significantly between different food items, but generally, Swedes still prefer Swedish dairy products, according to figures from the Swedish Board of Agriculture.

Having its own food production within Sweden is essential to supply the Swedish population with food, both in stable times and in crises. The Swedish Board of Agriculture’s latest figures on Swedish market share indicate the self-sufficiency, which means the percentage of demands that can be met by Swedish production of a particular food item. The market share varies widely between different foods, from about 20 percent for tomatoes to over 100 percent for cereals, eggs, and milk. Among dairy products, cheese has decreased the most, now having a Swedish market share of 39 percent.

A poster from the organisation behind the the origin labelling Från Sverige (From Sweden) shows how the market share looks for different categories and the shares’ development over time. (The photo above is just a section of the poster.)

Since 2016, the Swedish Board of Agriculture has compiled and presented data on Swedish market share for meat, cereals, dairy, potatoes, sugar, fruits, and vegetables, as well as eggs. The Swedish Board of Agriculture has chosen to call this measure Swedish market share because it shows what proportion of the total consumption (production plus import minus export) is produced in Sweden.

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