Swedes want to know more about food production

More than every other Swede (55 percent) feels they have very little knowledge about food production. Among those aged 18-29, the number rises to 58 percent. This is shown by a Sifo survey commissioned by Skånemejerier.

– To secure our future food supply, it’s important for people to understand how Swedish food production works. It’s concerning that many, especially the younger generation, feel they lack knowledge about this, considering the vital role farms play in society and Sweden’s future supply, Cecilia von Perglas, CEO of Skånemejerier, says.

Despite the perceived lack of knowledge, many wish to increase 56 percent wish they had more knowledge about food production. Almost every other Swede (48 percent) also states they would like to know more about farming and agriculture. Among those who haven’t visited a farm yet, 44 percent express the desire to do so.

– Visiting a farm is a significant experience that can enhance understanding of the immense effort behind Swedish food. As the the survey shows, we’ve also observed that many consumers are curious to learn more about Swedish milk production. Especially when we’ve previously run our ’Farmer in the Store’ concept, where people in Skåne had the opportunity to meet local farmers in their grocery stores, Sandra Malmros, Marketing Manager at Skånemejerier, says.

Read the entire press release HERE