New survey from Arla with alarming result

A new survey from Arla shows that almost every fifth parent in the age group between 18-34 years cannot afford to give their children breakfast every day.

Recently, more and more schools have raised the alarm that students do not seem to be getting enough food at home. In a new survey, Arla asked parents with school-age children how they looked at the situation. The answers show that young parents are having a tough time. Arla calls the result alarming.

– Those of us who have close contact with school kitchens around the country are unfortunately not surprised. But the fact that the situation is so much tougher for young parents must be taken seriously. Fortunately, most families have access to breakfast and the food they need at home. But for children whose parents have poorer finances, there is a risk that schooling will be negatively affected. It is time to start seriously discussing free breakfast in school to give all students the right conditions to get through the school day, Erica Elfving, project manager for school breakfast at Arla, says.

In the poll on breakfast habits, which YouGov carried out on behalf of Arla, 18 percent of parents in the 18-34 age group say they cannot afford to give their children the breakfast they need every day. A year ago, that figure was 2 percent.

Every second of the young parents also state that during the past six months they have not been able to afford to buy nutritious food for their children every day of the week. And almost seven out of ten parents in the group worry about ending up in the same situation again.

Two out of three parents in the survey, regardless of age, believe that the school should serve free breakfast to the students. And almost three out of five state that school breakfast would have a positive effect on the family’s everyday life.

– As a supplier to schools all over the country, we know that there is a great interest in breakfast, both among meal staff, principals, teachers, and students. The schools that have started serving breakfast often testify to higher ability to concentrate, calmer classrooms and better mood among the students, and many manage to do so within the existing budget, Erica Elfving says.

Read more about the survey HERE