Arla upgrades the environmental criteria for the Arla Ko brand

New environmental and climate criteria are added to the 14 special requirements in animal care, that already applies to Arla’s concept Arla Ko.

The new criteria apply to all fresh milk under the Arla Ko brand – the milk in striped packaging – and will contribute to reducing the farms’ climate emissions by 30 percent by 2030.

The striped Arla Ko milk already has 14 special criteria for animal welfare – in addition to what Swedish legislation and Arla’s own quality program require – which include, among other things, extra-long summer grazing and that the cows roam freely indoors. Now the concept is being further strengthened to contribute to Arla’s environmental and climate work and meet consumer demand for more sustainably produced milk.

The new environmental and climate criteria for Arla Ko milk means that the farms shall buys 100 percent renewable electricity. The farms must also have a high score in Arla’s new model for sustainability compensation and receives top points for what is called challenge control in the sustainability model, which simplified means that each cow is getting just the right amount of food and nutrition to feel good, while at the same time feed waste is as small as possible.

In connection with the upgrade of the Arla Ko concept, the packaging also gets a new design to reflect the farmers’ commitments. Both animal care and climate work on the farms are made clear on the milk packets, and the classic stripes are updated to create a stronger connection to the original stripes from 1992.

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