Oatly misleads customers

The Administrative Court of Appeal demands that Oatly remove the wording ”natural sugar from oats” from its packaging.

‘Natural sugar from oats’ is a wording that the oat drink manufacturer Oatly has used on its packaging the last many years. But since 2020 there has been a dispute between Oatly and the Environmental Administration in Malmö, who find the information misleading. The argument is that there is no natural sugar in oats. The sugar maltose occurs during production.

The newest development in the case, is according to Expressen.se, that the Administrative Court of Appeal agree that the wording of ‘natural sugar’ is difficult to understand.

The Court of Appeal believes that Oatly misleads its customers and causes the oat drink to be presented as healthier than it really is. It is believed that the claim ”natural sugars from oats” alludes to a lower amount of sugar than the product contains. The judgment reads:

– When the company thus uses the claim, the high sugar content in the products is put in a positive context because oats are generally regarded as a useful raw material.

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