The latest version of DDFI is out now

Our international magazine – Danish Dairy & Food Industry – Worldwide, is published once a year and has just been sent to 6,800 readers in 120 countries.

The world is facing significant challenges in addressing climate change and ensuring sustainable food production for a rapidly growing population. The dairy industry, along with its suppliers, is engaged in finding the solutions which require the development of new technologies and production processes.

Our focus in this edition is ‘New tech and AI is shaping the future of dairy’ with contributions from Arla Foods and DSM-Firmenich about AI and how and where it’s being used, the benefits, the future perspectives and the challenges.

Tetra Pak is introducing their new initiative, Factory Sustainable Solutions (FSS), which will help lower production costs, reduce energy consumption and CO2 emissions, and minimize water and chemical consumption.

We also have the pleasure of introducing Jacob Jensen, Minister for Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, who comments on the current challenge and emphasizes the need to develop food production with low or no climate footprint.

Furthermore, a large number of suppliers are contributing with descriptions of how their products contribute to sustainable food production.

Hopefully you enjoy the many contributions, and we hope they open new horizons regarding dairy technology.

You can read the digital version HERE  and feel free to share the link with others.