Arla will initiate a new organic movement

Despite increasing consumer demand for sustainable products, sales of organic foods are declining in Sweden. On Wednesday, September 4th, Arla will bring together representatives from various sectors to collaboratively develop innovative solutions to reverse this negative trend.

According to the Sustainable Brand Index, 67% of consumers believe biodiversity is important, and 70% say that sustainability influences their purchasing decisions. However, sales of organic products dropped by 8% in 2023 compared to 2022.

– We know that many consumers want to make sustainable choices in grocery stores, but they encounter several obstacles. As the world’s largest producer of organic dairy products, it is crucial for us to find new ways to make organic products more appealing, says Johan Hedberg, Arla’s Head of Organic Affairs.

To address the declining sales, Arla has organized a hackathon called ”Rethinking Organic,” where representatives from various industries will collaborate to create solutions that make it easier and more relevant for consumers to choose organic products.

– This is a shared challenge, which is why collaboration is essential. By bringing together diverse skills and perspectives, we aim to challenge conventional thinking and drive a new sustainability movement within the food industry. We will explore new business models and ways to emphasize biodiversity and health, says Maja Påhlman, Head of Innovation at Arla.

The hackathon will involve around 40 participants from sectors such as retail, the restaurant industry, and civil society. They will be divided into groups to explore six different opportunity areas. At the end of the day, the groups will present their solutions and receive feedback from a jury. Following the event, the ideas will be evaluated, refined, and participants will select which solutions they want to implement in their respective organizations.

Read the full press release HERE.