Arla provides free breakfast at ten schools

For three weeks, nearly 3,000 students in the oldest grades at ten schools will be offered breakfast in connection with their first lesson.

Arla is committed to promoting good breakfast habits and fostering more equal schooling. Last year, five Swedish schools were awarded free breakfast for three weeks. This year, the initiative has expanded to include ten schools and a total of 2,700 students in grades 7–9. Arla is responsible for providing all dairy products during this period and is assisting the schools in launching the breakfast service.

–  The autumn term is finally here, and we have the opportunity to assist the ten selected schools in launching their breakfast service. Based on previous trials, we know that both teachers and students have observed several positive effects when the school provides breakfast before, during, or after the first lesson, says Fanny Lindh, who is responsible for the breakfast project at Arla.

The motivation behind this initiative is that students who skip breakfast often struggle to concentrate in the classroom. Despite this, many young people skip their morning meal due to reasons such as wanting more sleep, lack of appetite, or lack of food at home.

Read the full press release HERE