The majority find it important that children are offered milk at school

A new survey shows that nine out of ten Swedes see milk as an important drink for children, but the survey also shows a difference between generations on the question whether milk is important to children’s development.

For a long time, Sweden has been a country, where people drink a lot of milk. Since the 19th century, Swedish schools have offered students school meals, and milk has since been an obvious part of the school lunch. Milk is considered important for children’s development – but the development points downwards.

Recently the importance of milk in schools has been questioned as it was reported that the municipality of Köping plans to withdraw school milk from both preschools and schools to save money.

In a survey, carried out by Norstat on behalf of Norrmejerier, it appears that 9 out of 10 Swedes think it is important that children are offered milk at school and 7 out of 10 believe that milk plays an important role in children’s development.

The survey reveals a clear difference between the generations. The younger generations do not have the same view on the importance of milk to children as the older generations.

Among the respondents over 65, only 3% say that milk is not important for children’s development, in contrast to the age group from 18–29 where 21% say that milk is not important.

Read the full press release HERE