Norrmejerier wants to shut down Luleå dairy

At an extraordinary board meeting on May 29, Norrmejerier’s board took a strategic decision on winding down Luleå dairy.

The background for the decision is declining milk consumption, low-capacity utilization, and large investment needs in the coming years. Added to this is a generally weak profitability in the company.

If it comes to a closure of Luleå dairy the production will be moved to Umeå dairy. In that case, an expansion of Umeå dairy will be needed, as all Norrmejerier’s fresh products would be manufactured and distributed from Umeå.

The decision is based on an analysis and preliminary study of Norrmejerier’s dairy structure with the aim of investigating measures to ensure profitable milk production in Norrland in the future. A final decision will be made in August.

Currently, Norrmejerier has 61 employees at the dairy in Luleå, who are affected by a possible closure. Employees and union representatives are informed.

Norrmejerier’s owners, the dairy farmers in Norrland, will not be affected, as milk still will be collected throughout Norrland.

Norrmejerier has three dairies in respectively Umeå, Luleå and Burträsk – and totally 440 employees.

Read the full press release HERE