Arla donates dairy products to ’Matmissionen’

Reducing food waste and discounted dairy products for people on low incomes. That is the basic idea behind the new collaboration between Arla and Matmissionen (The Food Mission).

About a month ago, Matsissionen collected the first surplus products from Arla’s dairy in Kallhäll.

– It feels really good that we are up and running, says Jörgen Thunholm, manager at Arla’s dairy in Kallhäll. Matmissionen is a project by Stockholm council having established foodshops with a social purpose. Simon Stegrud, partner manager at Matmissionen says :

– We are really happy to be able to support our target groups with the help of the surplus donations from Arla. These products make a big difference to people who live on the breadline and we look forward to continue to develop the collaboration in order to be able to save even more food together, Every Wednesday at 10 o’clock, one of Matmissionen’s trucks collects dairy products that are approaching the best-before date or have minor packaging damage at Arla’s dairy in Kallhäll. The day before, the dairy takes inventory of which products can be donated and then enters a free order into the IT system, so that everything can be tracked.

– We have just started and are still refining the process, Jörgen Thunholm says.

Arla and Matmissionen started a collaboration just under five years ago, which never really got off the ground. For a few years now, the Matsissionen has instead received products via Arla’s express store in Årsta. The new arrangement with the dairy in Kallhäll means that donations are more organized and are in larger volumes.

Read the full press release HERE